Thursday, February 24, 2011

This bus has free wifi

I must be in hong kong.

"Webus" network it's called, I've only seen them before and never been on one.

In order to utilize the free bandwidth....
Here's a picture of the best pizza in Hong Kong at Paisano's.

Posted via email from Doc Bones in Hong Kong

DrB Nepal Day 18

Gettin' it done

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Twitter messages, if you've missed them (and so i can have a record of them on this blog)

Language is PG-13 for anyone that is faint of heart...
These are all from my @NOLScgp twitter

Feb 21
This is a real Mr.MooMoo  
This is a fake Mr.MooMoo  
It's like real Steve Jobs and Fake Steve Jobs
Feb 22
#Mrμμ is back!! No tail and all, he's not dead

#Mrμμ is currently crushing the shit out of some plastic planters while acquiring food, I'm sure he could avoid them if he wanted to
Damn, #Mrμμ just went out of his way to eat and stomp on that planter
#Mrμμ ain't got time for your shit, he does have time to take a shit,in your walkway,on the dark tiles,so you can't see it & then step on it at night
Now #Mrμμ taunting all the local dogs looking out the window at him, he just has a blank stare towards them while chewing his cud
#Mrμμ just disappeared, off to mess up more people's shit. Time for him to dig himself a mud pit in the center of someone's garden
#Mrμμ's to do list: 
chill out in the street & get honked at
look sickly & get free food from locals
act like I can't walk up or down stairs

#Mrμμ 's to do list: 
set off some car alarms & act like I didn't know any better
sit in same spot for 8 hours and plan next move

Monday, February 21, 2011

Droppin' The Ball On Blog Posts

Here's an attempt a redemption in video form:

It looks like I'm still breathing over here in the ol' HK. "I've been more active on Twitter lately," he says to himself.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Gettin' Things DONE...

Alternate titles: 
What I've Been Doin' When I'm Not Gettin' PAID or

How Do You Hang A Shelf Straight and Level When Nothing Around it is Straight or Level? or

I Wonder If I Will Drill Through A Weight Bearing Piece of Cement and Crumble This Flat or

How Many Drill Bits Does it Take To Get To the Center of a Cement Wall? or

Is The Core of This Flat Really Chinese Newspaper? or

Close Enough For State Work (as my Papa used to say)

This is what I was doing for Valentines day last year

Go to DrB Nepal Day 16

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For some reason

I envisioned this excavator ("digger" or "digga" in Kiwi talk) to be rolling down to the other end of the beach to do battle with another mechstrosity

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from Doc Bones in Hong Kong

Please insert money for renewal card

My Wilderness First Responder certification expired February 1 so if anyone needs their life saved I'm afraid I can't help you. Or you could give me a grand to take the course and then I'll come back and save you.

I can't believe it's been three years since I've taken that course. I can't believe it's been five years since I took my first WFR. Someone stabilize my C-spine

Posted via email from Doc Bones in Hong Kong

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nepal day 15

I realized I forgot to type in a bunch of stuff from my journal for day 15 so if you are following along you my want to check it out again

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What do Cuban cigars and these have in common?

Maybe it's because I'm American but I really want to shove this entire chocolate egg into my mouth

Oh wow, good thing i didn't, there's some plastic yellow thing inside it

Heh, I would have looked like quite the fool if I had to pick this out of my stomach or my trachea

Must resist urge to devour entire egg
Answer: They will both get confiscated if you try to bring them into the USA.  Thank you lawmakers of 1938 for keeping me from choking on this awful monstrosity.

DrB Nepal

Go to Day 15

Everybody Look at Me I'm on a Boat

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sun Wai Dragon Dance

Nepal Day 14

Check it out: Go to Day 14

I also changed the settings of the blog front page to only load 3 posts, it was loading 7 posts before.  I thought that might be a little too much with all the pictures I've been posting lately.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year

Booming firecrackers and fireworks galore tonight

Chinese New Year Apples

Tuesday, February 1, 2011