Monday, November 29, 2010

Just another day at work...have I titled a post this before? / Brain surgeons


  1. Let's give a big Hoo-rah to stealing the neighbors internet. And the first the I do is check your blog :D :D I miss you so much Adah. Got some real snow here now, and I can't get up the driveway with the tires on Papa's truck, haha. NICE. We brought Tyler's truck to be checked out yesterday, so hopefully soon we'll find out whether to fix it or drive it off a cliff. Well, either could be applicable no matter what, but ya know. Tyler had to go to jury selection today, so we were both happy he didn't have to drive back to Albany tonight. Hopefully he gets chosen and I get to have him alllll week. Yay! I love you, talk to you soon.

  2. Oops, meant to say "didn't have to drive back to Albany last night" And not even Albany, but Glens Falls where he's staying with a guy from hunting camp that lives there.

  3. That could be a little scary-come out of your tent to face one of these big guys!! Are you sure you're not on Man vs. Wild? Hope all is well and Jonathan is feeling better. Love you all- Mom :-)
