Friday, March 4, 2011

Two of my latest recordings

I'll beat this sickness even if it kills me....


  1. Hi Adam-really enjoyed your music! Hope you are feeling a little better today. Thinking of you guys in HK. Love ya -Mom

  2. I knew a banjo/music related post would draw you out of the woodwork. Where have Nana and Papa C. been?

  3. Hi all,
    Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. The bugs have been running rampant around the North
    Country as well. Enjoyed your tunes on the banjo-Papa has not had a chance to listen to them yet. I am connected to Mobile Broadband over at Pepe-Aunt Elaine has subscribed to it and I find it great for the speed comparing it to dial up. Keep up the great music-like it. Papa and Nana have been hiding I guess on Gregory Street. Doing a lot of care giving for Pepe. He has been under the weather the last few weeks. Been staying nights and days here. Love you all-Think of you often. Often speak of you Adam and how you loved to travel with us and we loved having you with us. Those were great times. Love Ya Nana and Papa C
