Sunday, February 6, 2011

What do Cuban cigars and these have in common?

Maybe it's because I'm American but I really want to shove this entire chocolate egg into my mouth

Oh wow, good thing i didn't, there's some plastic yellow thing inside it

Heh, I would have looked like quite the fool if I had to pick this out of my stomach or my trachea

Must resist urge to devour entire egg
Answer: They will both get confiscated if you try to bring them into the USA.  Thank you lawmakers of 1938 for keeping me from choking on this awful monstrosity.


  1. That is the funniest thing! I can't stop laughing...Love-Mom

  2. Well that was unexpected but really like the topic of the blog.
    Filtered Cigars

  3. Lol that was epic! Customs laws are sooooo silly, and if they keep you from bringing in the best cigars, that is just sad :(
