Friday, November 13, 2009

One month left?!?!

That's right, many people are flying out of Hong Kong and back to the states around the week of December 14-17, moving on... another batch comes and goes and I stay... so it goes in the outdoor industry leading such a transient lifestyle, ahhhh but that's the draw of it too.

Anyway two weeks of hell just ended, haha, my tribe finished 5th out of 12 today, with a strong 2nd in the tribal chant that took place at West Island School on Hong Kong Island this morning. We would have taken 2nd overall if my kids handn't broken "Daanald" their egg to care for throughout the week. Daan is how you say egg in Cantonese, hehe, only my Chinese kids got that one...

We also have the weekend off AND next Wednesday and Thursday off, so nice! I'm in desperate need of this time off since I definitely need rest to fight off this cold that is hitting me. I feel ok energy wise, but just getting a cough and sinus aches.

After our debrief at the school I went in to Tom Lee Music in Wan Chai and picked up a spare set of guitar strings just in case I have any breakages, you can't just drive 20 minutes to Plattsburgh and take your choice of 15 different kinds at Bob's Music. It's a 5-25 minute wait for the bus, a 25 minute ferry ride, a 25 minute walk/subway/walk to the nearest music store with maybe 3 kinds of acoustic strings and these times are if you hit the transports exactly and don't have to wait.

After picking up strings I made my way back to Tung Chung via the MTR (subway) to meet Katy after she got out of work. After talking for a while she headed home and I went and grabbed some Indian food with my dinner allowance from T.I. and then caught the 7:05 bus back to Pui O and arrived here about 25 minutes later.

Now I don't think i'm going to move from this spot on the futon for a couple days....I might be able to actually do it, I have my laptop and music for entertainment, leftover food scraps scattered around me for sustenance, an old tea bag and some half filled leftover bottles of water for hydration, an air conditioner that I could turn on with my reachin' stick, and hey this futon is sketchy enough that I'm sure a few "accidents" would go unnoticed at least for a few days....


  1. Oh Adam you are so funny! I knew I wouldn't get through your entry without a good laugh (or cry, as in your previous one)Sorry to hear you are under the weather...sounds like you need some R&R this weekend. I'm at work right now. Dad at Harley's this weekend. Talked to Austy last night. He is preparing for the Bluesman Competition on Friday this week. Sounds like he is doing well. Hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you. Love you-Mom {:=}---

  2. A note of interest. I just talked to Nana C. and she got your long, lost electronic tuner from Mary Laura this past week. Amazingly enough when they were cleaning and moving some of the book shelves, etc. at the church someone found it on a top shelf on some books a few weeks ago. Yayyy! Just wanted to let you know... love ya, Mom

  3. oh so that's the story with the tuner. I heard mom tell you taht last night but didn't know it was even missing. I was just reading this:

    about a strong meteor shower, it says over Asia there could be 200-300 visible per hour, whereas over here there will be 20-30 per hour. Will you be able to see this? I can't figure out what time this will be for you, but that'd be awesome if you could see it. I'll have to see if I can get Tyler to sit out for an hour with me....I doubt it, but it's worth a try. Hope you feel better soon. Love you!!
