Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Christmas Song

Seasons Greetings! Ahhh.....walking down the street to Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..... and getting off the bus and having Jack Frost nipping at my nose.......Lying in bed and hearing Yuletide carols being sung by a choir.........And folks dressed up like Eskimos......????? Wait wait wait, i was having a christmas day dream, none of that ever happens here....

or does it????

They do roast some kind of nuts here year round in these portable smokey little push carts, I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.

There was a frost warning put out by the Hong Kong Observatory a few days ago.

Yuletide carols? they were belting something out from the local school a few nights ago.

Folks dressed up like Eskimos? In Hong Kong this can be year round with the settings they put the Air Con units at.... Although in the city, it is pretty much everyone right now, not that it's cold at all, it was probably 75 today in the sun. However, if I spent 15,000 hong kong dollars on Ralph Lauren's latest winter wear and I only got to use it for a month, I'd probably wear it when the low (during nighttime) is supposed to be 60 too...

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