Thursday, December 9, 2010

Two cups of coffee + one cup Maté =

Guess I should drink another Maté to balance things out, I am in Hong Kong and in this land balance is key, you know feng shui and all that.... plus I'm not quite hovering off the ground yet....

"Tsuen" is pronounced "choon" or "chewn" and not "Tuh-Sue-Nn" as in "that piece of gum has already been chewn" or "I live in Sun Wai Chewn"

I need to figure out what I'm doing for my secret santa gift for tomorrow, the front runner is papercraft, it's a lot harded making something for a non-outdoors person.  I can't just make them an olive oil candle and a alcohol stove.

Katy's sister is arriving tonight and staying for the next three months

I think Katy and I will get stabbed soon (by acupuncture needles that is)

I'm also trying to tag some of my live music, so rather than looking at "allstars88-01-23d1t02" I can be like "Oh that's Bela, Tony, Jerry, and a hundred other virtuosos playing 9 pound hammer"

Upcoming blog posts: A picture compilation of all the awesome meals I've created in the last few months and a compilation of my favorite music albums from 2010


  1. Thanks for the post! We have gotten some snow today and temps. went up from zero two mornings
    ago to 46 degrees tonight-weird stuff this north country weather. The box arrived Sat. and we pulled out the computer stuff and pants. The other stuff will be opened at Christmas.Thank you all for sending it. You are so very thoughtful. We miss you and are thinking of you. Not a day goes by that we don't speak of you/about you with a family member/friend. Hope all is well and we love you. Love-Mom and family xoxo

  2. Yay! I'm internetting! I forgot how to type symbols, it took me a minute to figure out how I was supposed to put an exclamation point. That's pretty sad. WHAT WHAT, box?!?! I just read Mom's comment. Pants? What pants? I want pants. Thai fisherman pants that is. I'm not an outdoorsy person but I would totally love an olive oil candle, that's cool. I want to have a secret santa. We joked about doing it at work, but there's only 4 of us, and somebody *coughkayelacough* can't keep a secret so it would only be a matter of days before it all got figured out. Anyway, I'll have to email you guys-es. Love you!!
