Monday, January 18, 2010

Didn't do a whole lot today...

I woke up at 4am to watch football and stayed up until about 9:30 until the late game finished, then I went back to bed.  So that was my day right there pretty much, I woke up well into the afternoon and make french toast, I have to use up the two dozen eggs Adrienne gave me somehow.

I watched a southpark and messed around with my computer, it's been blue screening randomly and now it's not even starting up.  I also spent time getting a U.S. based proxy working so I can watch Hulu.

The desk is cleared off and ready for the new green one to be moved in tomorrow....hopefully...


  1. It's 4:43pm on Tuesday afternoon. I'm DYING to try out my new cafetiere and Kimimanjaro "lively & unique with hints of blackcurrant & citrus" coffee. I'm restraining myself, though, because I think it would be a positive thing to sleep tonight...

    Have you thrown the old desk off the balcony yet?

  2. Hey Adam- Sounds like home- old desks being refurbished, football, baking, Southpark, french toast, computers quitting... thanks for the post. Today is Pepe's 90th birthday!!! Wowwww!! He is doing well-Phyllis is home for a little while-I think until the weekend to spend time with him. On another note Papa P. is in the hospital as of last night- some fluid in his lungs, not sure if pneumonia or congestive heart failure starting, will run tests today to start treatment. Let you know more when we hear more. Seems like you are enjoying your time off, getting more settled in your new place. Austy heads back to school this weekend. It has been nice having him home. He did well last semester with a 3.46 I believe. Hope to talk to you soon, love you lots. Mom :)

  3. Hi Adam-Great talking with you this evening-morning your way. We have a light snow falling tonight-the walk home from Pepe's was quite pleasant. Papa seems to be feeling better. He rested all evening as did Pepe'. He was just a sleeping when I left he and Aunt Phyllis. I hope things are much better tomorrow. Pictures should be coming your way soon of the "Big 90th Birthday Party"-so many cameras were just a flashing all afternoon. Good to catch up with your news-thanks for sharing your experience. Talk to you soon. Love you-- Nana & Papa C.
