Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So I was sitting on the couch...

and I decided that I wanted to make chicken soup from scratch at quarter to 10, so that's what I'm doing.  I just threw a bunch of deliciousness in a pot and put it on the burner, only time will tell if it comes out.

I talked with Khem about the Nepal trip today and confirmed we are leaving for Kathmandu on January 26th.  We will stay there with his family (his wife and son(s)) for about a week until the rest of the group gets there.  There will be about 8 of us in the group for the trek.  We will spend 16 days on the Annapurna Circuit here are some pictures!
After this trek we might do one day of rafting and then I'll come back to Hong Kong by the last week of February.

I have a detailed schedule that Khem gave me that we will try to follow, I'll get some details from that up at some point.

About a year and a half ago I was reading The Long Trail forum at Whiteblaze.net and there was a man looking for photos for his upcoming website on The Long Trail and he was making a shelter guide for it and needed pictures.  So I sent him quite a few of my photos from the long trail and then forgot about it until I was searching around and came across the completed site, with quite a few of my pictures on it! Yes, yes, I know I know...I'll be collecting my royalty checks soon don't worry about that.......yup, not one little bit.......yup I'll be set for life just because of these stellar pics.....

You can browse the pages linked from this page
Here are some direct links to my contributions:


The soup is smelling pretty amazing, time to go taste it....
Damn, I think my heart stopped beating for a second, overloaded from the sheer amount of deliciousness I believe....

Posted via email from Doc Bones in Hong Kong

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam- Thanks for the post! How cool that your pictures are being used from the Long Trail.I just checked them out. I also was reading about the circuit in Nepal- will you guys need a trekking permit? Also some good info. on the drinking water situation-please be prepared... I am paranoid about sickness and will be for a long time now. Things are well here although I caught a cold this past weekend, they are circulating. The weather has been quite cold- in low teens this past weekend with a wind, bbbrrrr! Today is in the 20's but still windy.At least we see peeks of sun though. Your chicken soup sounds yummy!! Hope all is well with you and Katy. ( When I type or say her name it makes me think of our beloved Katy whom we miss very much). Thinking of you both and miss you very, very much banjo man. Love ya, Mom :)
