Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My top albums of 2009

Listening to music is something that I do a lot of (or at least try to).  It brings me back to many places just by hearing a song, I'm sure this is the same for most people.  Writing all these entries provides me with not only a connection back to everyone at home, but also with a pretty awesome record of many many things that I've done in the last 319 days since I left the United States for Hong Kong.  So if only for my own records I make this post...

Places certain music brings me.......

Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - 10th grade - The day's before Napster, getting burned CDs in Biology class for my first experience of non-oldies, "Love Me Do" Beatles

Led Zeppelin - IV - Also 10th grade, Robert Plant's whining vocals and Jimmie Page's ripped off guitar solos combine to create my first experience with Led Zeppelin

Tom Waits - Closing Time - Listening to scratchy voiced Tom Waits always brings me back to the winter of my Junior year of college driving around Plattsburgh in my Taurus, ha

John Hartford - Aereo-Plain - One of the instructors on my NOLS course said I really needed to listen to this guy, I didn't.  Six months later at a open mic someone asked me if I've ever listened to Aereo-Plain and being the bluegrass aficionado I am I felt a little embarrassed after never listening to the most influential progressive bluegrass album ever except for maybe Old and In The Way.  This brings me back to senior year of college where it was the only CD I had in my car for about 4 months straight, no exaggeration.

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass - Near the Tom Waits era, but it was about the time when my great grandmother passed away

Norman Blake - Whiskey Before Breakfast - This was after I graduated college, but before I started at A.L.E, when I was playing with the bluegrass band in Plattsburgh

The White Stripes - Every album but the first one and Icky Thump - Getting out of my shift at A.L.E and wanting to never have to make a decision ever again or think about anything but rocking out to Jack White's overdriven guitar.

I don't really listen to much of these any more, it's interesting how my tastes have changed over time. 

(Anyway...self whom is reading this one year from now)

These are my main albums from the time I arrived in Hong Kong, worked the spring season, traveled for 6 weeks, worked the summer, traveled for 1 week, worked the Fall season and have just started a new year.

The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely - This was from early last year, I was still in the U.S. when I got into this one, mostly from me thinking that anything that Jack White does is pretty genius and from the music video they did with Ricky Skaggs

Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago - I started listening to this from a combination of getting the album from Ben, but not listening to it until Nate played it all the time last spring.

Band of Horses - Cease to Begin - I first heard this album while traveling in Malaysia, under weird circumstances that is. I was sleeping in my hammock that was tied up on the deck of the house where James and I were staying, when the caretaker we were staying with drunkenly stumbles back and blasts this at about 3am.  We had no idea what was going on...that reminds me I need to finish typing in my journal from the rest of my trip.

Cold War Kids - Robbers & Cowards - I started listening to this album recently (Nov-Dec 09) after having the iPod on shuffle and always getting songs stuck in my head and not knowing where they came from.

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend This is pretty much the same method of discovery as CWK - R&C, but this is my newest album. It will forevermore remind me of Christmas in Hong Kong.  I would have the iPod on random sitting on the bus and I'd always forget and have to check the artist because II kept thinking "is this Paul Simon?"

Honerable Mentions

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular When I first heard this album playing in one of my co-worker's flats I thought "I've never heard this 80's band before, they're pretty catchy..." It made the list because it appealed to my Raconteurs desire, although with too much electronic and not enough prog-rock sound, lacking the excellent song writing, and it's not a complete album with no skippable songs

Johnny Cash - Unearthed - The first CD of this massive album could have made it into my most listened/favorite albums, but I still don't think I've completely listened to the complete 4 hours of this masterpiece.  I also like this album because it's added a lot of new options for songs for me to learn from Johnny, i.e. Understand Your Man, Chunk of Coal, Cindy

There it is, this post took me quite a while to put together, but it was a really nice trip down memory lane and now I have a record of it so I don't have to rack my brain as much in the future.

Posted via email from Doc Bones in Hong Kong

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